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Hvordan konverteres tal til ord i indiske rupees i Excel?

Forfatter: Xiaoyang Sidst ændret: 2022-07-19

I denne artikel vil jeg introducere, hvordan man konverterer en liste over tal til ord i indiske rupees eller engelske dollars i Excel.

Konverter tal til ord i indiske rupees med VBA-kode

Konverter tal til ord i engelsk dollar med en fantastisk funktion

Konverter tal til ord i indiske rupees med VBA-kode

Følgende VBA-kode kan hjælpe dig med at konvertere numrene til ord i rupees, gør venligst som dette:

1. Hold nede ALT + F11 nøgler til at åbne Microsoft Visual Basic til applikationer vindue.

2. Klik indsatte > Moduler, og indsæt følgende kode i modulvinduet.

VBA-kode: Konverter tal til ord i rupees

Public Function RupeeFormat(SNum As String)
'Updateby Extendoffice
Dim xDPInt As Integer
Dim xArrPlace As Variant
Dim xRStr_Paisas As String
Dim xNumStr As String
Dim xF As Integer
Dim xTemp As String
Dim xStrTemp As String
Dim xRStr As String
Dim xLp As Integer
xArrPlace = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Lacs ", " Crores ", " Trillion ", "", "", "", "")
On Error Resume Next
If SNum = "" Then
  RupeeFormat = ""
  Exit Function
End If
xNumStr = Trim(str(SNum))
If xNumStr = "" Then
  RupeeFormat = ""
  Exit Function
End If

xRStr = ""
xLp = 0
If (xNumStr > 999999999.99) Then
    RupeeFormat = "Digit excced Maximum limit"
    Exit Function
End If
xDPInt = InStr(xNumStr, ".")
If xDPInt > 0 Then
    If (Len(xNumStr) - xDPInt) = 1 Then
       xRStr_Paisas = RupeeFormat_GetT(Left(Mid(xNumStr, xDPInt + 1) & "0", 2))
    ElseIf (Len(xNumStr) - xDPInt) > 1 Then
       xRStr_Paisas = RupeeFormat_GetT(Left(Mid(xNumStr, xDPInt + 1), 2))
    End If
        xNumStr = Trim(Left(xNumStr, xDPInt - 1))
    End If
    xF = 1
    Do While xNumStr <> ""
        If (xF >= 2) Then
            xTemp = Right(xNumStr, 2)
            If (Len(xNumStr) = 2) Then
                xTemp = Right(xNumStr, 2)
            ElseIf (Len(xNumStr) = 1) Then
                xTemp = Right(xNumStr, 1)
                xTemp = Right(xNumStr, 3)
            End If
        End If
        xStrTemp = ""
        If Val(xTemp) > 99 Then
            xStrTemp = RupeeFormat_GetH(Right(xTemp, 3), xLp)
            If Right(Trim(xStrTemp), 3) <> "Lac" Then
            xLp = xLp + 1
            End If
        ElseIf Val(xTemp) <= 99 And Val(xTemp) > 9 Then
            xStrTemp = RupeeFormat_GetT(Right(xTemp, 2))
        ElseIf Val(xTemp) < 10 Then
            xStrTemp = RupeeFormat_GetD(Right(xTemp, 2))
        End If
        If xStrTemp <> "" Then
            xRStr = xStrTemp & xArrPlace(xF) & xRStr
        End If
        If xF = 2 Then
            If Len(xNumStr) = 1 Then
                xNumStr = ""
                xNumStr = Left(xNumStr, Len(xNumStr) - 2)
            End If
       ElseIf xF = 3 Then
            If Len(xNumStr) >= 3 Then
                 xNumStr = Left(xNumStr, Len(xNumStr) - 2)
                xNumStr = ""
            End If
        ElseIf xF = 4 Then
          xNumStr = ""
        If Len(xNumStr) <= 2 Then
        xNumStr = ""
        xNumStr = Left(xNumStr, Len(xNumStr) - 3)
        End If
    End If
        xF = xF + 1
    If xRStr = "" Then
       xRStr = "No Rupees"
       xRStr = " Rupees " & xRStr
    End If
    If xRStr_Paisas <> "" Then
       xRStr_Paisas = " and " & xRStr_Paisas & " Paisas"
    End If
    RupeeFormat = xRStr & xRStr_Paisas & " Only"
    End Function
Function RupeeFormat_GetH(xStrH As String, xLp As Integer)
Dim xRStr As String
If Val(xStrH) < 1 Then
    RupeeFormat_GetH = ""
    Exit Function
   xStrH = Right("000" & xStrH, 3)
   If Mid(xStrH, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
        If (xLp > 0) Then
         xRStr = RupeeFormat_GetD(Mid(xStrH, 1, 1)) & " Lac "
         xRStr = RupeeFormat_GetD(Mid(xStrH, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
        End If
    End If
    If Mid(xStrH, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
        xRStr = xRStr & RupeeFormat_GetT(Mid(xStrH, 2))
        xRStr = xRStr & RupeeFormat_GetD(Mid(xStrH, 3))
    End If
End If
    RupeeFormat_GetH = xRStr
End Function
Function RupeeFormat_GetT(xTStr As String)
    Dim xTArr1 As Variant
    Dim xTArr2 As Variant
    Dim xRStr As String
    xTArr1 = Array("Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen")
    xTArr2 = Array("", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety")
    Result = ""
    If Val(Left(xTStr, 1)) = 1 Then
        xRStr = xTArr1(Val(Mid(xTStr, 2, 1)))
        If Val(Left(xTStr, 1)) > 0 Then
            xRStr = xTArr2(Val(Left(xTStr, 1)) - 1)
        End If
        xRStr = xRStr & RupeeFormat_GetD(Right(xTStr, 1))
    End If
      RupeeFormat_GetT = xRStr
End Function
Function RupeeFormat_GetD(xDStr As String)
Dim xArr_1() As Variant
    xArr_1 = Array(" One", " Two", " Three", " Four", " Five", " Six", " Seven", " Eight", " Nine", "")
    If Val(xDStr) > 0 Then
        RupeeFormat_GetD = xArr_1(Val(xDStr) - 1)
        RupeeFormat_GetD = ""
    End If
End Function 

3. Når du har indsat koden, skal du gemme og lukke kodevinduet, gå tilbage til regnearket og indtaste denne formel: = RupeeFormat (A2) ind i en tom celle, og træk derefter udfyldningshåndtaget ned for at anvende denne formel på andre celler, alle tallene er stavet i rupees, se skærmbillede:

Konverter tal til ord i engelsk dollar med en fantastisk funktion

Hvis du vil konvertere tallene til ord i engelsk dollar, Kutools til Excel's Tal til ord funktion kan hjælpe dig med at løse dette job hurtigt og nemt.

tips:At anvende dette Antal til ord funktion, for det første skal du downloade Kutools til Excel, og anvend derefter funktionen hurtigt og nemt.

Efter installation Kutools til Excelskal du gøre som dette:

1. Vælg listen over numre, du vil konvertere, og klik derefter på Kutools > Indhold > Tal til ord, se skærmbilleder:

2. I Tal til valutaord dialogboksen, vælg Engelsk mulighed fra Sprog sektion, og klik derefter på Ok knap, tallene i markeringen er konverteret til de engelske valutaord, se skærmbillede:

Klik for at downloade Kutools til Excel og gratis prøveversion nu!


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Comments (28)
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How to eliminate paisa from the code
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thanks alot
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Whenever I am saving this file, its showing below message.

Be Careful! Parts of your document may include personal information that can't be removed by the Document Inspector.

Pls suggest if this is safe and if yes, how can we remove this message window permanently.
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Your code is probably the best one I have found so far on the internet. It is really nice and useful. I request to include a small facility if possible. Can you please modify the code, so that "and" will be displayed before the last denomination. For example, the amount 22,44,556 will be converted to "Rupees Twenty Two Lacs Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Six Only". It will be best, if it can be converted as "Rupees Twenty Two Lacs Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty Six Only". Kindly consider my request.
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The VBA code works effectively. Thanks for sharing these simple and easy to follow tips & steps.
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Can u pls share the code that would spell number for 9000 crore
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Hey, Great Help! Thanks for creating such a wonderful code.

It has saved a lot of time. "God Bless You!!"
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Tried multiple times it's not working. Please help
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Hi Sir, Is it possible to set this for by default for every excel working sheet or not ?
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Hello, Mukesh

Yes, as long as the code is copied into the vba window module, the formula can be applied to the whole workbook.
But when closing the workbook, you should save it as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook file format.
Please have a try, thank you!
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Thanks a lot it is very Helpful
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