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Hvordan indstilles / vises forudvalgt værdi til rulleliste i Excel?

Som standard vises den generelle rulleliste, du oprettede, tom, inden du vælger en værdi på listen, men i nogle tilfælde vil du muligvis vise eller indstille en forudvalgt værdi / standardværdi til rullelisten, før brugerne vælger en fra listen som vist nedenstående skærmbillede. Her kan denne artikel hjælpe dig.

pil blå højre boble Indstil standardværdi (forvalgt værdi) for rullelisten med formlen

For at indstille standardværdien for rullelisten skal du først oprette en generel rulleliste og derefter bruge en formel.

1. Opret en rulleliste. Vælg en celle eller et område, som du vil placere rullelisten, her er K1, og klik data > Datavalidering. Se skærmbillede:
doc viser forvalgt værdi rulleliste 2

2. Derefter i Datavalidering dialog under Indstillinger fanebladet, vælg Liste fra Tillad listen, og vælg derefter den værdi, du vil vise i rullelisten til Kilde tekstboks. Se skærmbillede:
doc viser forvalgt værdi rulleliste 3

3. Klik derefter på Fejladvarsel fane i Datavalidering dialog, og fjern markeringen Vis fejladvarsel efter indtastning af ugyldige data mulighed. se skærmbillede:
doc viser forvalgt værdi rulleliste 4

4. klik OK for at lukke dialogen og gå til rullelisten og skriv denne formel = HVIS (J1 = "", "- vælg -") ind i det, og tryk på Indtast nøgle. Se skærmbillede:
doc viser forvalgt værdi rulleliste 5

Tip: I formlen J1 er en tom celle ved siden af ​​K1, sørg for at cellen er blank, og "--Vælg--"er den forudvalgte værdi, du vil vise, og du kan ændre dem efter behov.

5. Hold derefter rullelistecellen valgt, og klik data > Datavalidering at vise Datavalidering dialog igen, og gå til Fejladvarsel fanen og tjek Vis fejladvarsel efter indtastning af ugyldige data mulighed tilbage. Se skærmbillede:
doc viser forvalgt værdi rulleliste 6

7. klik OK, nu før brugerne vælger værdier fra rullelisten, vises der en standardværdi i den angivne celle med rullelisten.
doc viser forvalgt værdi rulleliste 7

Bemærk: Mens en værdi er valgt fra rullelisten, forsvinder standardværdien.
doc viser forvalgt værdi rulleliste 8

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Comments (15)
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How to count (D71) conditionally formatted RED color cell (D40:D70)?

Pls guide...

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How to make default value (UP) for certain range of column (C40:C70) only in the below code? Add what command?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
‘Updated by ARUN
Dim xObjV As Validation
On Error Resume Next
Set xObjV = Target.Validation
If xObjV.Type = xlValidateList Then
If IsEmpty(Target.Value) Then Target.Value = “UP”
End If
End Sub

Pls guide…

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Try this code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'Updated by ExtendOffice
    Dim xObjV As Validation
    On Error Resume Next
    Set xObjV = Target.Validation
    'Check if the target is within C40:C70
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C40:C70")) Is Nothing Then
        If xObjV.Type = xlValidateList Then
            If IsEmpty(Target.Value) Then Target.Value = "UP"
        End If
    End If
End Sub
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Its working...

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Hello, How can I get defined value limit in excel dropdown menu, like I want to Enter Apple in product against three name and it should not put 4th entry and give error if i do so, any solution please.
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Sorry, I do not understand your question, could you describe with more details or upload a file to describe it?
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Hello, How can I get defined value limit in excel dropdown menu, like I want to Enter Apple in product against three name and it should not put 4th entry and give error if i do so, any soluition please.
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hello, my data is about names and phone numbers. can make it if two names selected in one cells using data validations, the particular name which their name as selected, their phone numbers will be shown next to it.

help me!
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How can I set a data validation list such that if the drop down value in the cell is deleted, the cell will automatically show a default value (i.e. "-Select-")?

For example, I have a worksheet with multiple drop down lists that I want to show a default value of "-Select-" once the sheet is opened. A user will select values from the lists that will impact the result of calculations throughout the entire spreadsheet. A user may accidentally "delete" the cell contents of the lists. If this happens, rather than the cell becoming blank, I want the cell to show a default value of "-Select-". This scenario occurs in multiple random locations throughout the spreadsheet, not just in one localized place.

I was able to find the following VBA code so far, but it only applies the concept over a range, rather than just individual cells that contain drop down lists. The problem with what I have coded so far is that every single blank cell in the range ends up with "-Select-" in it. Some of the lists are in ranges, but some are also scattered throughout the sheet. The problem I'm having with my current code is that every single blank cell in the range ends up with "-Select-" in it. I'm trying to get this to apply over the entire worksheet to ONLY cells that are drop down lists.

Is what I'm trying to accomplish even possible?

Example file can be found here:

Example code:

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cel As Range
' If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub 'turning this off allows multiple cells to be selected and deleted at the same time
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("f2:p17")) Is Nothing Then
For Each cel In Range("f2:p17")
Application.EnableEvents = False
If IsEmpty(cel.Value) Then cel.Value = "-Select-"
Next cel
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Thanks in advance!
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How can I set a data validation list such that if the drop down value in the cell is deleted, the cell will automatically show the a default value (i.e. "-Select-")?

For example, I have a worksheet with multiple drop down lists that I want to show a default value of "-Select-" once the sheet is opened. A user will select values from the lists that will impact the result of calculations throughout the entire spreadsheet. A user may accidentally "delete" the cell contents. If this happens, rather than the cell becoming blank, I want the cell to show a default value of "-Select-". This scenario occurs in multiple random locations throughout the spreadsheet, not just in one localized place.

I was able to come up with the following VBA code so far, but I've only figured out how to apply the concept over a range, rather than just cells that contain a drop down list. The problem with what I have coded so far is that every single blank cell in the range ends up with "-Select-" in it.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cel As Range
' If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("f2:p17")) Is Nothing Then
For Each cel In Range("f2:p17")
Application.EnableEvents = False
If IsEmpty(cel.Value) Then cel.Value = "-Select-"
Next cel
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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The idea is nice, but my problem is that if the dropdown value is deleted, it doesn't revert to the default.
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I also have the same issue , please reply if you solved it
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Exactly!!! I'm having the same issue, have you found a solution?
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You can insert the function in that specific cell using VBA, make sure you call the insert function when workbook is opening.
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Only works if you speak VBA, not all of us code.
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