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Sådan ændres standardpåmindelsestid for heldagsbegivenheder i Outlook?

Normalt er standardpåmindelsestiden for hele dagen begivenhed 18 timer i Outlook 2007/2010 og 0.5 dag i Outlook 2013. Nogle gange er standardpåmindelsestiden for hele dagen muligvis ikke enig med din arbejdsplan. Her introducerer vi måden at ændre standardpåmindelsestiden for heldagshændelser i Microsoft Outlook.

Skift påmindelsestid for en heldagshændelse i Outlook

Skift standardpåmindelsestid for Hele dagen begivenheder i Outlook

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pil blå højre bobleSkift påmindelsestid for en heldagshændelse i Outlook

De følgende trin vil guide dig til at ændre standardpåmindelsestiden for en heldagshændelse i Microsoft Outlook.

Trin 1: Opret en ny heldagsbegivenhed:

  1. I Microsoft Outlook 2010 og 2013 skal du klikke på Ny vare > Tid på den Home fanen;
  2. I Microsoft Outlook 2007 skal du klikke på File (Felt) > Ny > Tid.

Trin 2: Kontroller muligheden for i vinduet Aftale Hele dagen begivenhed bagved Starttidspunkt indgivet. Se skærmbillede:

Trin 3: Gå til Indstillinger gruppe på begivenhed fanebladet, og klik på knappen Påmindelse: og angiv en ny påmindelsestid fra rullelisten.

Trin 4: Skriv denne begivenhed hele dagen, og klik på Gem og luk .

pil blå højre bobleSkift standardpåmindelse om Heldagsbegivenheder i Outlook 2013

Følgende VBA-makro hjælper dig med nemt at ændre standardpåmindelsestiden for hændelser i Microsoft Outlook 2013.

Trin 1: Åbn vinduet Microsoft Visual Basic til applikationer ved at trykke på andre + F11 nøgler på samme tid.

Trin 2: I venstre rude skal du udvide Microsoft Outlook-objekter, og indsæt følgende VBA-makro i Denne OutlookSession.

VBA: Skift standard påmindelsestid for Hele dagen begivenheder i Outlook 2013

Private WithEvents g_Items As Outlook.Items Private Sub Application_Startup () Dim Ns Som Outlook.NameSpace Set Ns = Application.GetNamespace ("MAPI") Set g_Items = Ns.GetDefaultFolder (olFolderCalendar). Items End Sub Private Sub g_Items_ItemAdd Item (By Object as By) ) Ved fejl genoptag Næste dæmp aAptItem som Outlook.AppointmentItem Hvis TypeOf-vare er Outlook.AppointmentItem Indstil derefter aAptItem = Item aAptItem.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 360 aAptItem.Save End If End Sub

Bemærk: Antallet af 360 betyder standard påmindelsestid på 360 minutter, og du kan ændre den efter behov.

Trin 3: Gem VBA-makroen, og genstart din Microsoft Outlook 2013.

Bemærk: Denne VBA-makro fungerer ikke kun for Heldagsbegivenheder, men ændrer også standardpåmindelsestiden for aftaler og møder i Outlook 2013.
Fra nu af, når du opretter en ny heldagsbegivenhed i Microsoft Outlook, ændres påmindelsestiden automatisk til 6 timer efter lagring.

pil blå højre bobleRelateret artikel

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Comments (14)
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In Outlook 2016 the default reminder time for all day events is still 18 hours, at least in my setup with a fresh install of 2016 on a clean system. I skipped over version 2013 so I can't say for certain, but it seems strange that MS would change it to 0.5 days (12 hours) in 2013 and then change back to 18 hours in 2016. I suppose the default value could be stored within the PST file and carried forward in this manner, meaning whatever version's value you start with is what you are stuck with on upgrade unless you use a fresh PST. It would be nice to get some clarity on this very first sentence of the article.
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Windows 10, Outllook 2010, how to change the "default" reminder for all day events. http://answers.microsoft.com/thread/9c292f4b-eed2-4564-b98a-c254e7b2fb69<br />This actually works byway of a prompt that can change the dreaded midnight reminder to 5p the day before.... For my needs I changed the Max/Min lines (38-39) to 5p and 8a 38 reminderMaxHour = 17 39 reminderMinHour = 8 and translated the French (lines 65-67) to a prompt message I could relate to 65 rep = MsgBox("This APPT reminder is outside the 8a-5p comfortable range. Shall I change the reminder time to:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ 66 vbTab & reminderDateSuggestion & vbCrLf & _ 67 "INSTEAD OF " & vbCrLf & _
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Microsoft is so often about options. There's 2 or 3 ways to do almost anything. Mouse, keyboard, shortcuts. Options for this and that. But sometimes, and on this occasion, they just say, it's OUR WAY or NOTHING.
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Did not work for me with Outlook 365. :-(
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Scary. There are no positive comments. And, even more disturbing...no replies! I, for one, am looking for a permanent fix so that my Outlook 2010 All Day Appointments' default reminder is .5 day rather than 18 hours. There's nothing worse than be awoken (at home) at 6 am for a work reminder.
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this solution does not change the "default reminder time" . It sets (to a constant time) either the reminder time for one appointment, or the reminder time for all existing appointments. The default reminder time is the value set by outlook when you make a new appointment. Do you know how to change that value? More specifically the reminder time for events, all-day events.
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The default reminder time is under file>options>calendar>calendar options. (2007 outlook)
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Didn't work for me either (Outlook 2013).
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Doesn't work in Office 2010.
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For some reason this doesn't work for me. Outlook 2010.
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Normally I accept the default reminder time for my appointments when entering them into my calendar. But for one category I need at least a reminder 24 hours (possibly more) reminder. How would I change the 2013 VBA code to automatically set the reminder for my desired time.
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