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Hvordan afrundes dato til forrige eller næste specifikke hverdag i Excel?

Forfatter: Sun Sidst ændret: 2022-05-18
Nogle gange skal du muligvis få den forrige eller næste specifikke ugedag, såsom søndag, baseret på en dato som vist til venstre. Her giver denne vejledning to formler til nemt at håndtere dette job i Excel.
Afrund dato til næste specifikke ugedag
Afrund dato til tidligere specifik ugedag

pil blå højre boble Afrund dato til næste specifikke ugedag

For eksempel her for at få den næste søndag af datoerne i kolonne A

1. Vælg en celle, som du vil placere den næste søndagsdato, og indsæt eller indtast nedenstående formel:


2. Tryk derefter på Indtast tasten for at få den første næste søndag, som vises som et 5-cifret tal, og træk derefter autofyld ned for at få alle resultater.


3. Hold derefter formelcellerne markeret, tryk på Ctrl + 1 for at få vist formater celler dialog, derefter under nummer fanebladet, vælg Dato og vælg en datotype fra den højre liste efter behov. Klik OK.


Nu er formelresultaterne blevet vist i datoformat.


For at få næste anden hverdag, brug venligst nedenstående formler:

Ugedag Formula
Søndag =IF(MOD(A2-1,7)>7,A2+7-MOD(A2-1,7)+7,A2+7-MOD(A2-1,7))
lørdag =IF(MOD(A2-1,7)>6,A2+6-MOD(A2-1,7)+7,A2+6-MOD(A2-1,7))
Fredag =IF(MOD(A2-1,7)>5,A2+5-MOD(A2-1,7)+7,A2+5-MOD(A2-1,7))
Torsdag =IF(MOD(A2-1,7)>4,A2+4-MOD(A2-1,7)+7,A2+4-MOD(A2-1,7))
Onsdag =IF(MOD(A1-1,7)>3,A1+3-MOD(A1-1,7)+7,A1+3-MOD(A1-1,7))
;Tirsdag =IF(MOD(A1-1,7)>2,A1+2-MOD(A1-1,7)+7,A1+2-MOD(A1-1,7))
Mandag =IF(MOD(A1-1,7)>1,A1+1-MOD(A1-1,7)+7,A1+1-MOD(A1-1,7))

pil blå højre boble Afrund dato til tidligere specifik ugedag

For eksempel her for at få den foregående søndag af datoerne i kolonne A

1. Vælg en celle, som du vil placere den næste søndagsdato, og indsæt eller indtast nedenstående formel:


2. Tryk derefter på Indtast tasten for at få den første næste søndag, og træk derefter autofyld ned for at få alle resultater.


Hvis du vil ændre datoformatet, skal du beholde formelcellerne markeret og trykke på Ctrl + 1 for at få vist formater celler dialog, derefter under nummer fanebladet, vælg Dato og vælg en datotype fra den højre liste efter behov. Klik OK.


Nu er formelresultaterne blevet vist i datoformat.


For at få tidligere anden ugedag, brug venligst nedenstående formler:

Ugedag Formula
Søndag =A2-UGEDAG(A2,2;XNUMX)
lørdag =IF(WEEKDAY(A2,2)>6,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,1),A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)-1)
Fredag =IF(WEEKDAY(A2,2)>5,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+5,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)-2)
Torsdag =IF(WEEKDAY(A2,2)>4,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+4,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)-3)
Onsdag =IF(WEEKDAY(A2,2)>3,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+3,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)-4)
;Tirsdag =IF(WEEKDAY(A2,2)>2,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+2,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)-5)
Mandag =IF(WEEKDAY(A2,2)>1,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+1,A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)-6)

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Comments (16)
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I have tested this but partially incorrect result was out. Why ?
I wanted to get next Friday.


I have entered 11/19/2022
The result was past day 11/18/2022
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Thanks for your reminder, the original formula is not enough rigorous indeed. I have updated the formulas and rewrited the tutorial, hope the new formulas can help you.
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Im trying to work out how to use a date, less an amount of days but ensure when subtracting the days it lands on a weekday not a weekend.
Any formulas??
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Hi Everyone,
I use the formula below to round to the next Thursday where A1 is the cell with your original date and 14 is for Thursday. You can use other numbers for other days if required. 11=Monday, 12=Tuesday, 13=Wednesday, etc...

Also, you can use a 1 instead of an 8 to get the Thursday before your original date in A1. If your original date is already a Thursday the formula will produce the same date as in A1.

I hope this helps!

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Thank you! This worked :)
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I put this into google sheets and to make the dates become next thursday but I have not been able to get it to work especially for the dates right after thursdays. =IF(L2="","",L2+4-MOD(L2-1,4)) is the function i used to make it thursday but not all dates were thursday.
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to clarify, all dates become thursday, but friday and saturday will not convert to the next weeks thursday instead they will go back a day or two to the previous thursday instead going to next weeks thursday, is there any way to fix this in the function =IF(L4="","",L4+4-MOD(L4-1,7))
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Hi Kisho,

I use the formula below to round to the next Thursday where A1 is the cell with your original date and 14 is for Thursday. You can use other numbers for other days if required. 11=Monday, 12=Tuesday, 13=Wednesday, etc...

Also, you can use a 1 instead of an 8 to get the Thursday before your original date in A1. If your original date is already a Thursday the formula will produce the same date as in A1.

I hope this helps!

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Hi Kisho,
I use the formula below to round to the next Thursday where A1 is the cell with your original date and 14 is for Thursday. You can use other numbers for other days if required. 11=Monday, 12=Tuesday, 13=Wednesday, etc...
Also, you can use a 1 instead of an 8 to get the Thursday before your original date in A1. If your original date is already a Thursday the formula will produce the same date as in A1.
I hope this helps!
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I put this into google sheets and to make the dates become next thursday but I have not been able to get it to work especially for the dates right after thursdays. =IF(L2="","",L2+4-MOD(L2-1,4)) is the function i used to make it thursday but not all dates were thursday.
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Si quiero la fecha del próximo viernes cómo debo modificar las variables? Gracias
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Sorry, I cannot understand, could you speak in English?
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hi guys,

I used the formula below, I hope it works for you.
IF(WEEKDAY(H2,16)<>7,(7-WEEKDAY(H2,16))+H2,H2) where H2 is the date that you want to round up to the next day of the week (in my case for Friday) and the 16 is the format to start the date with Saturday as #1 and Friday as #7.
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Your round to previous Sunday is flawed. Even shows as much on your sheet.
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So, what would be the correct formula to first check to see if a cell has a date, else leave it blank and make the date the fall on a Friday before if the date falls on a Saturday or Sunday?
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I found a workaround for to the previous Friday. You can change the switch "results" as needed to round to different days.=H3-SWITCH(TEXT(H3, "DDD"), "Mon", 3, "Tue", 4, "Wed", 5, "Thu", 6, "Fri", 0, "Sat", 1, "Sun", 2)
=[date]-SWITCH(TEXT([date], "DDD"), "Mon", 3, "Tue", 4, "Wed", 5, "Thu", 6, "Fri", 0, "Sat", 1, "Sun", 2)
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