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Hvordan afrunder nummer til nærmeste 5/10/50/100 i Excel?

Forfatter: Sun Sidst ændret: 2020-04-27

Nogle gange vil du muligvis konvertere tal til nærmeste 5/10/50/100 til beregning i Excel. Denne vejledning giver nogle enkle formler til at afrunde tal til nærmeste specifikke nummer, og introducere også formler til runde tal til næste eller sidst nærmeste.
dok runde til nærmeste 5 10 50 1

Afrund numrene til nærmeste 5


pil blå højre boble Afrund numrene til nærmeste 5

Rund til nærmeste 5/10/50/100

Rund til nærmeste 5 = RUND (A2 / 5,0) * 5
Rund til nærmeste 10 = RUND (A2 / 10,0) * 10
Rund til nærmeste 50 = RUND (A2 / 50,0) * 50
Rund til nærmeste 100 = RUND (A2 / 100,0) * 100

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Du kan også bruge denne formel = MROUND (A2,5) for at afrunde tal til nærmeste 5.

Rund til nærmeste 5/10/50/100

Rund til næste nærmeste 5 = RUND OP (A2 / 5,0) * 5
Rund til næste nærmeste 10 = RUND OP (A2 / 10,0) * 10
Rund til næste nærmeste 50 = RUND OP (A2 / 50,0) * 50
Rund til næste nærmeste 100 = RUND OP (A2 / 100,0) * 100

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Rund til sidst nærmeste 5/10/50/100

Afrund til sidste nærmeste 5 = OMGANG (A2 / 5,0) * 5
Afrund til sidste nærmeste 10 = OMGANG (A2 / 10,0) * 10
Afrund til sidste nærmeste 50 = OMGANG (A2 / 50,0) * 50
Afrund til sidste nærmeste 100 = OMGANG (A2 / 100,0) * 100

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Rund let tal op eller ned eller til lige i Excel uden formel

Som vi vidste, er der nogle formler, der kan afrunde tal, men du vil ikke bruge formel til at afrunde tal, det runde værktøj til Kutools til Excel kan gøre dig en tjeneste. Klik i 30 dages gratis prøveperiode!
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Comments (22)
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may i know how to set a formula which include 2 criteria, 1/2 remain 1/2 and every 3/4 round up to 1, e.g. 3/4->1, 1-3/4->2, 2-3/4->3
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I want to round up in the same columm,

Example : 1201 to be 1250
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I want to round up or down decimal places in the same columm,

Example : 12.49 to be 12 and 12.50 to be 13
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I want to generate an IF formula that will help me round up or down decimals in the same column

example :

Cell A1 ----- 6.13 want it to round up to 6.49
Cell A2 ----- 6.74 want it to round up to 6.79
Cell A3 ----- 6.84 want it to round down to 6.79
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Sorry, Jose, I do not understand your round up and down rule.
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I want to generate an IF formula that will help me round up or down decimals in the same column

example :

Cell A1 ----- 6.13 want it to round up to 6.49
Cell A2 ----- 6.74 want it to round up to 6.79
Cell A3 ----- 6.84 want it to round down to 6.79
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HOW TO ROUNDUP 2.5 =5 AND 7.8=10
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Use this formula =mround("cell address where 2.5 or 7.8 is written in the excel sheet",5) i.e. if 2.5 is written in cell A1 then =mround(a1,5) and if 7.8 is written in cell B1 then =mround(b1,5)
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Sorry I have no idea.
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i need formula that will write 95000 as 90000 or 87000 as 80000, if figure 89000 then it should be 90000.
Means only 9 or above then should mround to 10 otherwise not
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You can go to our forum to submit your question, someone may answer you. https://www.extendoffice.com/forum.html
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HOW TO ROUND 50.49 =50 AND 50.50=60 AND 90.49=90 AND 90.50=100
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Hello, you just need this formula =ROUND(reference, 0).
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well articulated article, worked for me thanks
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Can I use this in a formula? For example, I want the formula =(C118*D118)+50, but I want the answer to round up to the nearest five. So if C118 is 216, and D118 is 13, I want 2808 + 50 to round up to 2860. I'd like to to it all in the same column rather than adding a column. Thanks!
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use this formula =ceiling((c118*d118)+50,10)
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