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Hvordan udpakkes tekst baseret på skrifttypefarve fra en celle i Excel?

Forfatter: Sun Sidst ændret: 2022-06-21

Hvis du har en dataliste med noget rød tekst i hver celle i Excel som vist som nedenstående skærmbillede, og ved du, hvordan du kun udtrækker den røde tekst? Nu vil jeg introducere en hurtig måde at løse puslespillet, der udtrækker tekst baseret på fontfarven fra en celle i Excel.


Uddrag tekst baseret på skrifttypefarve fra hver celle

pil blå højre boble Uddrag tekst baseret på skrifttypefarve fra hver celle

I Excel kan du kun bruge den definerede funktion til at udtrække teksten baseret på fontfarve.

1. Trykke Alt + F11 nøgler sammen for at åbne vinduet Microsoft Visual Basic til applikationer.

2. klik indsatte > Moduler og kopier den følgende VBA-kode til det poppede ud-vindue.

VBA: Uddrag tekst baseret på fontfarve

Function GetColorText(pRange As Range) As String
Dim xOut As String
Dim xValue As String
Dim i As Long
Dim TextColor
TextColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'colorindex RGB
xValue = pRange.Text
For i = 1 To VBA.Len(xValue)
  If pRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Color = TextColor Then
  xOut = xOut & VBA.Mid(xValue, i, 1)
  End If
GetColorText = xOut
End Function

3. Gem og luk derefter dialogen, og vælg en tom celle ved siden af ​​datalisten, skriv denne formel = GetColorText (A1) (A1 angiver den celle, du vil udtrække tekst fra), tryk på Indtast tast for at få den nødvendige tekst, og træk derefter håndtaget til autofyld for at udfylde formlen til det ønskede område.

Nu kan du se, at al rød tekst er udpakket.


Tip: I ovenstående VBA-kode kan du ændre farven rgb i dette script TextColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) til andre for at imødekomme dit behov.

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Comments (14)
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I have a particular text in a cell seperated by Comma and Having colour for each text. While using Delimiter funtion,I am unable to retain the font colour of text .Appraciate your help!
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Hi, jdhjjd, I do not understand your question clearly. Do you want to extract the specific text from cells and keep its font color as below screenshot shown?
or split cells and keep each text font color?
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I was still unable to extract the blue text (#1166BB). Is there a way to use the Hex: #1166BB to get the color text I need?
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Hi, Robert E Perez, I have updated the VBA code, now, it supports to get colored text by rgb code. You can try the code again.
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The code works well if the red strings are continuous. In case they are separated in the source cell, they are glued to each other in output cell. I mean there is no space in the output if the red text strings are away from each other. Can you please provide a solution for this?
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Try this, it should work
Function GetColorText(pRange As Range) As String
Dim xOut As String
Dim xValue As String
Dim i As Long
Dim wasRed As Boolean
xValue = pRange.Text

For i = 1 To VBA.Len(xValue)

If pRange.Characters(i, 1).Font.Color = vbRed Then
xOut = xOut & VBA.Mid(xValue, i, 1)
wasRed = True
ElseIf wasRed = True Then
wasRed = False
xOut = xOut & ";"
End If


GetColorText = xOut
End Function

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Thanks a ton it worked perfectly well. You are a savior Tim :-) 
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thanks, very interesting code.
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dimenticavo io ho Excel 2010
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Buonasera, grazie mille un'ottima funzione. Però ho un problema, quando val nel foglio ed inserisco es. = GetColorText (A1) mi restituisce il valore giusto però come riavvio il file mi da errore #VALORE!, se poi clicco 2 volte sopra mi da il valore corretto e così via. che posso fare?
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Hey, Thanks for the Tip. Works great with Red and Black.
What if I want to parse "Purple"? changing it vbPurple does not work.
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The code works well if the red strings are continuous. In case they are separated in the source cell, they are glued to each other in output cell. I mean there is no space in the output if the red text strings are away from each other. Can you please provide a solution for this?
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Hello, when i tried using vbBlue, it did not work. Help please? Thanks!
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Give the font color to the exct blue color.
Because there are many type of blue color "light blue, sky blue, dark blue"
vba match only exct color.??????
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