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Outlook: skift mappe, hvor sendte varer er gemt

Som du ved, gemmes sendte e-mail-meddelelser automatisk i mappen Sendte poster. Men her arrangerer vi nogle tricks om, hvordan du ændrer standardmappen med sendt vare og gemmer sendte e-mail-meddelelser i alternative mapper i Microsoft Outlook nemt.

Skift den mappe, der sendes emner gemmes i, når du komponerer

Skift mappe, hvor alle sendte genstande gemmes automatisk

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Boost din Outlook 2021 - 2010 eller Outlook 365 med disse avancerede funktioner. Nyd en omfattende 60-dages gratis prøveperiode og løft din e-mail-oplevelse!

pil blå højre bobleSkift den mappe, der sendes emner gemmes i, når du komponerer

Når du komponerer en e-mail-besked, kan du definere en alternativ mappe, hvor denne afsendende e-mail gemmes i efter afsendelse.

Trin 1: Klik på Gem afsendt vare til > Anden mappe i Flere indstillinger gruppe på Indstillinger fanen i meddelelsesvinduet.

Trin 2: Vælg og fremhæv en mappe i dialogboksen Vælg mappe mapper: boks og klik på OK .

Når du har sendt denne e-mail-meddelelse, gemmes dens kopi automatisk i den mappe, du valgte i trin 2.

pil blå højre bobleSkift mappe, hvor alle sendte genstande gemmes automatisk

I nogle tilfælde vil du muligvis ændre den standardmappe, der sendes, og lade alle sendte e-mail-meddelelser automatisk gemmes i en bestemt mappe. Vi vil guide dig til at indse det ved at oprette en regel i Outlook.

Inden du opretter en regel, skal du skifte til Mail-visningen ved at klikke på Post i navigationsruden.

Trin 1: Åbn dialogboksen Regler og alarmer:

  1. I Outlook 2010 og 2013 skal du klikke på Regler > Administrer regler og advarsler i Flyt gruppe på Home fane.
  2. I Outlook 2007 skal du klikke på Værktøjer > Regler og advarsler.

Trin 2: Klik på i dialogboksen Regler og alarmer Ny regel knappen på E-mail-regler fane.

Trin 3: Vælg og fremhæv i dialogboksen Guiden Regler Anvend regel på meddelelser, jeg sender i Start fra o blank regel sektion, og klik på knappen Næste .

Trin 4: I dialogboksen Guiden ny regler,

  1. Tjek gennem den angivne konto valgmulighed i Trin 1: Vælg betingelser sektion.
  2. Klik på knappen specificeret i Trin 2: Rediger regelbeskrivelsen sektion.
  3. I dialogboksen popping up Account skal du vælge en konto i Konto: boks og klik OK .
  4. Klik på knappen Næste .

Trin 5: I dialogboksen Guiden ny regler,

  1. Tjek flytte en kopi til den angivne mappe mulighed og stop med at behandle flere regler valgmulighed i Trin 1: Vælg handling (er) sektion.
  2. Klik på knappen specificeret i Trin 2: Rediger regelbeskrivelsen sektion.
  3. I dialogboksen Regler og alarmer skal du vælge en mappe og klikke på OK .
  4. Klik på knappen Næste .

Trin 6: Fortsæt med at klikke på Næste knapper og Finish i de følgende dialogbokse.

Fra nu af gemmes alle sendte e-mail-meddelelser automatisk i den mappe, du konfigurerede i trin 5.

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Comments (14)
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These instructions don't work, at least on Outlook 365.
Note carefully, the rule says, "Move a COPY to the folder..." It says nothing about not storing the original of the mail in the same place it has always done so.
This "feature" of Outlook is filling up the mail accounts of people who don't have unlimited (e.g., Google) mail storage at their server, as it continues to store all sent mail at the server instead of locally on the machine.
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I came across this issue yesterday. Windows 10, Outlook 2016 (16.0.11929.20234) 32-bit, on-premises Exchange 2010, no Cached Exchange Mode, with an image used in the signature. Removing the signature allowed emails to send, but with the signature included we saw “Cannot send this item”.

Another confirmation here that turning on Cached Exchange Mode fixed it.

Glad I spotted this thread!
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I have two inboxes that I use in Outlook 2016. One is my personal account and the other is a shared secondary inbox. I tried to change where the sent messages are being saved into the "Sent Items" folder of the shared secondary inbox. I followed the step by step exactly for the "Change The Folder Sent Items Are Stored In When You Are Composing" - but all it does is show up in my "Outbox" of my personal inbox instead and not the "Sent Items" folder of the secondary inbox which I selected. Anybody have any idea why this might be happening or why it won't work?
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You have no idea how grateful I am for this...after talking with one technician after another, after asking BlueHost for help and of course, getting nothing from Microsoft except that I have to pay for their 'help', this works, even on Outlook 2016.
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Now only if this would also pull emails sent via my iPhone with my account. Those items show up in the default sent items, but I cannot get it copy those over as well. Damn corporate not allowing me to change the retention policy on any default folders.
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You are much better off just disabling automatic saving of messages in the Sent Items folder and then creating a rule that stores a copy of all sent email in the desired folder. 1.File - Options - Mail - Save Messages Un-check the "Save copies of messages in the Sent Items folder" 2.File - Manage Rules and Alerts - Apply Rule on Messages I send 2.1 Don't check anything on the first screen 2.2 Check "move a copy to the specified folder" 2.3 Click on "specified" (at the bottom) and select the folder 2.4 Finish the rule
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Perfect, just what I wanted!
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For some reason, even with the above rule, it still saves a copy to my sent folder even though I specified that it should save to the inbox. Any idea how to turn this function off?
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YOU ARE A GODSEND!!!!! I have been battling this for an entire day...trying to get all of my devices to use the same iMap boxes for filing. You got me through the last hurdle!!!! I am slowly regaining sanity, though I cannot believe this process is what is required to pick which sen box I'd like my Outlook 13 mail to be stored. THANK YOU
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This works great for me. My company implemented a new policy that automatically deletes our sent emails after 60 days, and this works perfectly for me to keep all of my emails in a separate sent folder without the company deleting them. Thanks!
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I would like to use the "save sent item" option and followed the instructions above. But for me this does not work. It seems that this function is not activated. Is there an additional check box to activate? Thank you for any help
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