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Hvordan blokeres udenlandske e-mails (med kinesiske tegn) i Outlook?

Har du nogensinde modtaget spam, der indeholder specielle fremmede tegn, såsom kinesiske tegn, russiske tegn osv. I Outlook? Her vil jeg i denne artikel dele en måde at blokere e-mails med specificerede udenlandske tegn i Outlook på.

Bloker udenlandske e-mails (med kinesiske tegn) i Outlook

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Boost din Outlook 2021 - 2010 eller Outlook 365 med disse avancerede funktioner. Nyd en omfattende 60-dages gratis prøveperiode og løft din e-mail-oplevelse!

pil blå højre bobleBloker udenlandske e-mails (med kinesiske tegn) i Outlook

For at blokere alle e-mails med angivne udenlandske tegn i Outlook skal du gøre som følger:

1. Vælg en e-mail i den angivne e-mail-konto, og klik Home > Junk > Indstillinger for uønsket e-mail. Se skærmbillede:

2. I dialogboksen Indstillinger for uønsket e-mail skal du aktivere internationalt fanebladet, og klik på knappen Liste over blokerede kodninger knap. Se skærmbillede:

3. I dialogboksen Blokeret kodningsliste skal du kontrollere de angivne fremmedsprog, du vil blokere, og klikke på OK knap. Se skærmbillede:

4. Klik på OK knappen for at lukke dialogboksen Junk E-mail Options.

Fra nu af blokeres alle indgående e-mails med de angivne fremmede tegn i den angivne e-mail-konto automatisk.

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Comments (8)
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This is a sanity saver! Thank you for this!
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Can I block emails by Chinese mainland IP address instead of language encoding?
I need to talk to my friends and receive Chinese language emails from Taiwan, Hong Kong. Honestly, I am annoyed not having that option. It will be nice to have option to block IP address traffic by specific country or you simply set up a zone and let people block it freely.
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Have you received one or more spam mails in a foreign language?
1- Right click on the junk mail
2- Click down on "junk mail"
3- Click on "Block sender"
4- Once all the recipients are blocked, USE THE METHOD ABOVE!

It really works, but only when the recipients are blocked.

Good day everyone, and long live peacefully :)
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Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It worked with me :D
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please go to your webmail also and block the emails in a spam filter and please effective use of blacklist with a domain, I found this issue and also try the above-said issue, where some sort of it is usable but not the full proof solution, where the domain blacklist will provide you peace of mind thanks
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I can tell you firsthand, this does not work AT ALL!!! I have that setup exactly as above months ago. I see no difference.
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STEVE Have you found something that does work

Its driving me crazy
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I did this and it isn't working.....we still get this chinese looking emails by the hundreds daily
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